Monday, 28 January 2013

e-Commerce web development Trends for 2013

In 2012 many new designing trends came into existence such as vertically scrolling layouts, responsive design and fixed site navigations. These advancements ensured functionally scalable website which offers smooth navigation across various platforms (such as tablets, smartphones, laptops and desktops). The designing trends in the last year kept in mind the changing browsing trends of the users. Most of these trends of 2012 will again make further progress as e-Commerce web development trends for 2013. Any website development company should gear up for the changes that are bound to happen in 2013. So we thought of sharing some expected trends for 2013.

·         Economic: The world economy is still not stable. Webmasters have to keep an account of what they are spending on for their website. In such situations it is important to update your website regularly. You should redesign the website at least once in a year to capture the current trends in e-Commerceweb development.
·         Simplistic: The days of exorbitant designs are over. Now, people like simple designs that tell it all. Try to make your website designs and development very simple and fresh. Do not include too many features at the website, which would be hard to develop. Always take a stock of user experience. 

·         Focus on Videos: Videos are the eye catchers in this present era of e-Commerce web development. Windowpanes in the sites are vanishing and there are plenty of spaces. These spaces can be utilized aptly by including some banners and videos. Large videos and banners will definitely be a trend in 2013. Make sure when you use the videos or large images at the site, it should not slow down the site uploading speed. The images should be saved as per their height and width. You can replace a lot of data at your website with a well shot video. This would make the site lighter and fast loading. 
·         Social Media Integration: You can manage the shop and wish lists through Facebook. Make sure the website development has provision for these kinds of registry in their central location. Facebook integration allows better linking services/products. 

Your e-Commerce web development future plan includes these listed changes or modifications. If you have to survive in the competitive online business world then staying updated is the name of the game.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

What are Most Important Elements of a PPC campaign?

PPC campaign can cost a fortune. If you do not plan them well before implementation then it could prove worthless. PPC campaigns are all about creating a buzz and pulling visitors to your desired page. Many webmasters have reaped huge rewards from their PPC campaigns, but then they took their time off to plan well in advance for the campaign. PPC is a form of organic SEO services where Google charges money for ad places and per click too. It is important to create an impression with the clicks. The ads are intelligently placed as per your choice of keywords. There is chance to enhance your sales significantly with a well planned PPC campaign. But you have to know the important elements of PPC to plan well.

·         Ad Copy: You can expand on the title used in the PPC ad. While creating a copy you should understand the pulse of the audiences. Write a copy that impresses and motivated them. Your goal is to make the audiences click on the ad and reach your landing page.
·         Landing Page: Your landing page title should give the visitors an impression that they have come to the right place. Use the same keywords in landing page title as you have used in the PPC ad copy.
·         Landing Page Copy: Copy of the landing page should be tempting. Remember, visitors like to read about the benefits they would get by using your services or products. They are least interested about how great you are. So, make the copy user benefit oriented. Of course try to use the keywords similar to your campaign.
·         Organization of Landing Page: Most important information contained in this page should be provided above the fold. This helps the visitors read about key things without scrolling down. Too much scrolling can distract the visitors away.
·         Call to Action: Understand the emotional and realistic needs of the visitors and hit them well in your copy. If you can decipher this code then you are sure to make merry with PPC campaign.

PPC is a type of organic SEO services, so there are no chances of being penalized. The trick is to use your budget well.

Monday, 7 January 2013

Hire PHP Developer for Cost effective Website Development

PHP is the most cost effective and time consuming tool for website development. And to create a benchmark in the cut throat competition of the market, a website has become the basic neccessity.   The website must be user-friendly and perfect representative of the business. It is not easy for a business owner have to be very cautious to choose the right tool for business. There are various website developers available on the market whom you can utilise to create the website. Before you hire PHP developer, you must know the advantage of using PHP design.

The Advantage of PHP development:
·         user-friendly interface is provided;
·         your precious time for business is saved;
·         low-cost solution is provided;
·         improved business ROI may be followed;
·         project progress is managed with ease;
·         good website infrastructure is created;
·         the solution is accessible;
·         business sales are finally boosted.
With all these advatages, one definetely hire PHP developer to create wonderful websites. A website developer is enable to start up various business projects. He needs complete control over things to deliver ultimate product to the client. A PHP developer is an expert for developing of a framework, complete development and design. In this way, he will make your website more beautiful and attractive.
Before hire PHP developer, you need to make sure following things:
·         check experience and skills in php programming
·         check if the programmer’s portfolio is updated
·         check if he/she has strong technical background
·         it’s essential to have good project quality
·         the project needs to be delivered timely
·         good programmers know how to implement innovative techniques etc.