Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Judge the Website Development Company Portfolio before Allotting Projects

So you are looking for a website developer who would be able to give you a fully functional and effective website? Are you looking for website developers who are equally efficient in Joomla, WordPress or any other development? Your search is bound to come up with hundreds of results whatever may be your search criteria. IT services have become immensely popular by virtue of the growing popularity of the Internet. If you do not have a website then you are losing out on customers every second and hundreds of them too. To develop a website and succeed in online business you do not have to learn the complex codes. There are experienced website developers who will be able to do a flawless job. All you have to do is allot your work to a reputed website development company.

Sounds a simple enough job, doesn’t it? But when you start the search for a “reputed” company there are many obstacles. If you want to get the job done within your neighborhood or city then as an US or UK business owner you might have to pay a hefty lot. You can save these costs only by outsourcing the work to website development company in India. Now, how do you enquire about the reputation of the company. Whichever website you visit will make big claims about their knowhow and history. This is where your decision making will be tested.

The best way to judge the reputation of a company offering experienced website developers for hire is to take a look at their portfolio. A company with experience is bound to serve all niches and sectors. Ask them for samples to your specific sector. Then judge their capability in terms of the requirement for your project. If a company cannot show you niche specific samples then it is better to move away.

A reputed website development company is always ready to provide some customer contacts. Why shouldn’t they? If they have pleased some customers, they would be glad if others hear their praises. If a company hesitates in giving client contacts, then again you should be on the move.

Friday, 20 September 2013

How to Set up a Wordpress e-Commerce Website?

WordPress is the most efficient and excellent platform for running an ecommerce website. It is a user-friendly medium and it can be configured to suit different types of shops. Though the core WordPress platform does not have any e-commerce web development functionality inbuilt in it, there are some great plug ins available in the WordPress store which helps to transform a general WordPress site to a fully functional e-commerce store. Among all the plug ins Woocommerce is one of the best plug ins for ecommerce. This plug in is available free of cost. This popular ecommerce plug in has a bunch of features which provide a tough competition to the other ecommerce solution plug ins.

If you consider the administrator side, it has the excellent store management facilities including tools for managing orders, managing products and reporting. One can easily set up products with features like color or size. It also has the facility for the digital products to download. The content management system is also quite easy also. There is an intricate set of tax and shipping options for the selling products within the country or overseas delivery. If you want to provide attractive rate for your customers, then there is an excellent discount options in this e-commerce web development. The default payment method is Paypal here but if you want, you can add some different alternative.

e-commerce web development presents a bunch of customer friendly features like shipping calculator which helps the customers to calculate the cost of the products they have entered into the wish list before entering the check out. Another important feature of WordPress ecommerce website is that it has the one page check out with fewer steps to complete the sale and account panel. It is a god send gift for the customers to manage their online orders. The layered navigation tool on the product pages helps the customer to shortlist the search by selecting attribute of the products base on brand, size or color.

Along with these, there are lists of features which are included in this plug in. One can easily choose the vast range of features like security of the business to this e-commerce web development.

Monday, 16 September 2013

SEO Checklist for a Startup Website

For a startup website, there are numerous challenges the owner has to face. Designing and developing a website only the first step to the World Wide Web. The main battle starts just after it. And the golden key to win this battle is to have a strong SEO for the website. The best web developers include the on page SEO checklist with the website. But for a guaranteed SEO service, one has to fulfill all the following criteria.

Google it to googled it: Google play a pivotal role in a guaranteed SEO services. First of all one has to create a Google account for the website. Then he has to install Google analytic to the website. It will help the website owner to understand the traffic source based on location, age and profession. Setting up the Google web master tool is the next important thing for the guaranteed SEO services.

Keyword is the Key: Using the right keyword for the business is the golden rule to the hatchway of success. With the help of the Google Adward, the SEO executive start to explore the world of Keyword and find out the apt keywords with high popularity with low competition. The keyword density on the website is also another important point to the SEO checklist.

On Page SEO: It is the primary duty of the best web developers to meet all the attributes of the on page SEO.  Creating a robot.txt file and uploading it to the root directory is the basic part for on page SEO. And same thing is applicable to site map of the website. The title tag for the website should be unique and attractive. Each and every page must contain H1 tag with keyword and remaining header (H2-H6). The unique meta-description for the different page is a master stroke for the guaranteed SEO services.

Content is King: As we know that, content is the unbeatable king to optimize your website. The content of the website should be unique and original. The keyword density for the page should be 2-3% only. It is advisable to set up a blog for the business and update it frequently to get visitors. One must add video, podcast, webinars, PDF download, infographics and many other things to add more attractions for the visitors.